Rwanda Kinini Kinigazi
Estate Kinini Kinigazi
Varietal BM139,BM71,Bourbon
Taste Blackcurrent,Caramel,Honey,Lemon,Sweet
Product Info
Coffee is picked and brought to the Kinini washing station where it is kept separate from the other lots brought in that day and logged in the office. From there, it is taken to raised shaded beds for extra cleaning by hand before being taken to the initial floating tank and de-pulped using a four disc McKinnon pulper. Cherries are then placed into a cleaning tank for a first wash before the water is changed and a dry fermentation for 24 hours occurs. The tanks are then filled and coffee fermented from between 5 to 20 hours, depending on the decision of the quality manager monitoring the fermentation. One further washing and the coffee is sent to the soaking tanks for a further 24 hours before being transported downstream to the raised beds for controlled drying and a further picking to remove any damaged beans. The coffee is then sun dried for an average of 15 days, depending on the intensity of the sun.
The Kinigazi lot is a separation from amongst the 633 farmers that are currently using the Kinini washing station, chosen from trees at altitudes of 1950 – 2200. The highest altitudes have gradually found their picking season extending due to the changes in weather patterns as well as agronomical support provide through the washing station. this is something Kinini have introduced, providing fertilizer where needed, but more importantly creating a network and introductions to existing cooperatives, as well as using an innovative satellite tracking system that measures the leaf reflection to forewarn of any damage or pest infestation starting. This enables them to get to the area and deal with the problems before it has an impact on the cup.
Part of the money from any Kinini coffee goes towards an NGO they also run, A New Beginning Rwanda, which involves a growing school and what started as a health post and is now becoming a hospital.